Hex (1985-87)

Hex #6

Fleisher - Texeira - Garzon - Mas - Lerose "The Soames Conspiracy" more info

Hex #12

Fleisher - Texeira - Garzon - Mas - Larose "Siege of the Terminators" more info

Hex #13

Fleisher - Texeira - Garzon - Costanza - Lerose - Hannigan "The Dogs of War" more info

Hex #15

Fleisher - Giffen - Garzon - Lerose - Mas "Chain of Doom" more info

Hex #16

Fleisher - Giffen - Garzon - Lerose - Mas "The Slayer and the Slave!" more info

Hex #18

Fleisher - Giffen - Garzon - Lerose - Shapinn "Thanksgiving" (not to be confused with more info


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