Teen Titans (2003-11)

Teen Titans #40

Johns - Daniel - Glapion - Conrad - Horie - Horie - Schaefer - Berganza "Titans Around the World, Part 3" more info

Teen Titans #41

Johns - Diaz - Benjamin - Glapion - Lopez - Rosell - Crawford - Horie - Horie - Lanham - Daniel - Schaefer - Berganza "Titans Around the... more info

Teen Titans #48

Beechen - Barrionuevo - Hories - Leigh - Schlagman - Berganza - daniel - Anderson "Flags of Our Mothers" more info

Teen Titans #49

Beecher - Barrionuevo - Bit - Horie - Horie - Leigh - Schlagman - Berganza "Life During War Time" more info


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