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All-Star Squadron #36

Thomas - Buckler - Howell - Gafford - Cody "Thunder Over London!" more info

All-Star Squadron #37

Thomas - Jones - Howell - Lois - Orz - D'Angelo "Lightning in Berlin!" more info

All-Star Squadron #38

Thomas - Hoberg - Collins - DeCarlo - Cody - D'Angelo "Detroit is Dynamite!" more info
All-Star Squadron #39
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All-Star Squadron #39

Thomas - Hoberg - Collins - D'Angelo - Cody "Nobody Gets out of Paradise Valley Alive!" more info

All-Star Squadron #4

Thomas - Buckler - Ordway - Costanza - Gafford - Wein "day of the Dragon King!" more info

All-Star Squadron #40

Thomas - Howell - Collins - Cody - D'Angelo "The Rise and Fall of the Phantom Empire!" more info

All-Star Squadron #42

Thomas - Jones - Collins - D'Angelo - Cody "Oh, Say, Can't you See...?" more info

All-Star Squadron #43

Thomas - Baron - Jones - Collins - Cody - D'Angelo "Ultimate Victory!" more info
All-Star Squadron #47
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All-Star Squadron #47

Thomas - McFarlane - Clark - D'Angelo - Cody Origin: Dr. Fate "The Secret Origin of Dr. Fate." more info
All-Star Squadron #48
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All-Star Squadron #48

Thomas - Harris - Colletta - Weiss - Gafford "Camelot 1942!" more info

All-Star Squadron #49

Thomas - Harris - Colleta - Gafford - Cody - DeZuniga "Death Sword at Sunrise!" more info

All-Star Squadron #5

Thomas - Buckler - Ordway - Oda - Gafford - Wein "Never Step On a Feathered Serpent!" more info

All-Star Squadron #54

Thomas - Clark - Jones - Alcala - Colleta - Thomas - Gafford - Weiss "The Crisis Comes to 1942!" more info

All-Star Squadron #59

Thomas - Jones - DeZuniga - Thomas - Gafford - Weiss "Out of the Ashes... Mekanique!" more info

All-Star Squadron #6

Thomas - Ordway - Gafford - Oda - Wein - forces - Gonzalez "Mayhem in the Mile-High City!" more info

All-Star Squadron #61

Thomas - Harris - DeZuniga - WEiss - Gafford "The Original of Liberty Belle" more info
All-Star Squadron #64
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All-Star Squadron #64

Thomas - Boring - DeZuniga - Weiss - Gafford "See You in the Funny Papers" more info

All-Star Squadron #7

Thomas - Gafford - Costanza "Carnage for Christmas!" more info

Alpha Flight #1 (Direct)

Byrne - Rosen - Yanchus - O'Neil - Shooter "Tundra!" more info

Alpha Flight #1 (Direct, Annual)

Mantlo - Stroman - Talaoc - Chiang - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Homebody!" more info
Alpha Flight #1 (Newsstand)Alpha Flight #1 (Newsstand)
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Alpha Flight #1 (Newsstand)

Byrne - Rosen - Yanchus - O'Neil - Shooter "Tundra!" more info

Alpha Flight #16 (Newsstand)

Byrne - Wiacek - Yanchus - Parker - O'Neil - Shooter "...and Forsaking All Others..." more info

Alpha Flight #2 (Direct, Annual)

Mantlo - Brigman - McLeod - Chaing - Sharen - Potts - DeFalco "The Fire Inside!" more info

Alpha Flight #2 (Newsstand)

Byrne - Orzechowski - Yanchus - O'Neil - Shooter "Shadows of the Past" 1st Appearance: Master of the World more info

Alpha Flight #25 (Direct)

Byrne - Wiacek - Parker - Yanchus - O'Neil - Shooter - Mantlo "...And Graves Give Up Their Dead.." more info

Alpha Flight #3 (Direct)

Orzechowski - Yanchus - O'Neil - Shooter "Yesterday Man" more info

Alpha Flight #30 (Direct)

Mantlo - Mignola - Talaoc - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Enter... Scramble!" 1st Appearance: Scramble (Lionel Jeffries) more info

Alpha Flight #31 (Direct)

Mantlo - Mignola - Talaoc - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "The Greatful Dead!" more info

Alpha Flight #32 (Direct)

Mantlo - Bogdanove - Talaoc- Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Short Story!" more info

Alpha Flight #33 (Direct)

Mantlo - Buscema - Talaoc - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "A Friend in Need" 1st Appearance: Lady Deathstroke more info

Alpha Flight #34 (Direct)

Mantlo - Buscema - Talaoc - Chiang - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Honor" Wolverine Backstory more info

Alpha Flight #35 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Taladoc - Bovak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "The Child is Father to the Man" more info

Alpha Flight #36 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Tlaloc - Rosen - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Labor Pains" more info

Alpha Flight #37 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Talaoc - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Death, Birth" more info

Alpha Flight #38 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Tlaloc - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Pestilence" more info

Alpha Flight #39 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Portacio - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "The Invasion of Atlantis!" Appearance: Avengers more info

Alpha Flight #40 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Portacio - Novak - Sharew - Potts - Shooter "Love" As chronicled in Alpha Flight #39 & Avengers #272 more info

Alpha Flight #40 (Newsstand)

Mantlo - Ross - Portacio - Novak - Sharew - Potts - Shooter "Love" As chronicled in Alpha Flight #39 & Avengers #272 more info

Alpha Flight #41 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Portacio - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "It's not Easy Being Purple" 1st Appearance: Purple Woman (Kara Killgrave) more info

Alpha Flight #42 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Portacio - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Auction" more info

Alpha Flight #43 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Portacio - Bruzenak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Strike Across the Border!" more info

Alpha Flight #44 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Portacio - Novak - Sharen - POtts - Shooter "Plague!" more info

Alpha Flight #45 (Direct)

Mantlo - Brigman - Portacio - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Resurrection" more info

Alpha Flight #50 (Direct)

Mantlo - Brigman - Portacio - Chaing - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "This Mortal Coil!" more info

Amazing Adventures

Claremont - Golden - Austin "Solo" Mantlo - Stroman - Guice "Men of Peace" Vosburg "Spies" DeMatteis - Mayerik "Pogrom" Baron - Thomas -... more info

Amazing Spider-Man, The #16 (Annual, Direct)

Stern - Romita - Novak - Goldberg - DeFalco - Shooter - Romita "Who's That Lady?" 1st Appearance: Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau) more info

Amazing Spider-Man, The #201 (Newsstand)

Wolfman - Pollard - Mooney - Rosen - Gafford - Shooter "Man-Hunt!" Appearance: Punisher more info
Amazing Spider-Man, The #209 (Newsstand)
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Amazing Spider-Man, The #209 (Newsstand)

O'Neil - Weiss - McLeod - Rubinstein - Wiacek - Milgrom - Rogan - Sharen - Shooter "To Savage My Honor!" Appearance: Kraven the Hunter 1st... more info

Amazing Spider-Man, The #21 (Annual, Peter Parker Variant)

Shooter - Michelinie - Ryan - Colletta - Parker - Sharen - Salicrup "The Wedding" Special Wedding Issue!" more info


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