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Alpha Flight #-1
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Alpha Flight #-1

Seagle - Winn - Alquiza - Ryan - Conrad - Starkings - Smith - ComicCraft - Gardner - Harras "Vows" more info

Amazing Spider-Man, The #-1

Defalco - Bennett - LaRosa - Starkings - ComicCraft - Sharen - Macchio - Harras "Where Have All the Heroes Gone?" more info

Cable #-1

Robinson - Ladronn - Vlasco - Oliver - Starkings - Powers - Harras Flashback "The Devil's Herald" more info

Deadpool #-1

Lopresti - Dodson - Lichtner - ComiCraft - Harras "Paradigm Lost" more info

Elektra #-1

Milligan - Deodato Jr. - Deodato Studios - Scheele - Morelli - Chase - Harras "Love is Blind" more info

Excalibur #-1

Raab - Haynes - Jones - Massengill - Haynes - Jones - Starkings - Comcicraft - Tinsley - Idelson - Harras - Claremont - Davis Flashback "A... more info

Ka-Zar: Sibiling Rivalry #-1

Seagle - Clark - Carlson - Clark "Life Lessons & Lies" more info
Liberty Meadows (Complete Series (#1-36)
SaleSold Out

Liberty Meadows (Complete Series (#1-36)

$138.25  $117.51
Save: 15%
Complete Series Including: #2, #4, #6, #8, #10, #12, #14, #16, #18, #20, #22, #24, #26, #28, #30, #32, #34, #36 more info
Marvels (Complete Series (0-4)
SaleSold Out
Rising Stars Preview
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Rising Stars Preview

Straczynski - Cha - Heisler- Wohl - Im "Visitations & Midnight Thoughts." more info

Sensational Spider-Man, The #-1

Dezago - Wieringo - Chase - Starkings - Comicraft - Macchio - Harras "The Pre-Powered Peter Parker in Here There be Monsters!" more info
Silver Surfer #-1
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Silver Surfer #-1

Dematteis - Garney - Wiacek - Costanza - Smith - Gardner - Harras "Abduction!" more info

Spectacular Spider-Man, The #-1

DeMatteis - Ross - Green - Starkings - Comicraft - Kalisz - Macchio - Harras "That Thompson Boy!" more info

Spider-Man #-1

Mackie - Fraga - Hanna - Wright - Comicraft - Macchio - Harras "A Prelude in Red" more info

Thunderbolts #-1

Busiek - Edting - Wiacek - Lanphear - Smith - Brevoort - Harras "Distant Rumblings!" more info

Uncanny X-Men, The #-1 (Direct Edition)

Lobdall - Hitch - Neary - Starkings - Buccellato - Powers - Harras Flashback "The Boy Who Saw Tomorrow!" more info

Untold Tales of Spider-Man, The #-1

Stern - Romita Jr. - Milgrom - Starkings - Comicraft - Mattsson - Robinson - Brevoort - Smart - Harras "There's a Man Who Leads a Life of... more info

Venom: Seed of Darkness #-1

Kaminski - Fry III - Ivy - Novak - Smith - Brevoort - Harras "Krobaa, The Abyss That Walked!" more info

X-Factor #-1

Mackie - Matsuda - Thibert - Starkings - Oliver - Corvese - Harras "A Summers Tale" more info

X-Force #-1

Flashback "The Brothers Proudstar" more info

X-Man #-1

Kavanagh - Cruz - Larosa - Wondrous - Diaz - Thomas - Starkings - Gardner - Harras "Breeding Ground" more info

X-Men #-1

Lobdall - Pacheco - Thibert - Lightner - Lusen - Starkings - Powers - Harras Flashback "I Had a Dream" more info

2099 Special: The World of Doom #1

OneShot "Doomed" "America Under Doom" "America O' Tis of Doom" "Dressing the Troops" "Punishing Evolution" "Moore's Mutant Futures" "Heard... more info

Action Comics #0

Michelinie - Guice - Rodier - Oakley - Whitmore - Duffy - PIttarese - Carlin "The Yesterday Man" more info

Adventures of Superman #0

Kesel - Kitson - McCarthy - Whitmore - DeGuzman - Duffy - Pittarese - Carlin "Peer pressure, Part 3: ... With power beyond Those of Mortal... more info

Aliens vs. Predator #0

Stradley - Norwood - Story - Brosseau - Mignola - Schultz Reprint: Dark Horse Presents #34-36 more info

Anima #0

Hande - Whitcover - Crespo - Blyberg - Sliopoulos - Mulvihill - Eades - Simpson "Zero Summer" more info

Aquaman #0

David - Egelang - Vancata - Shum - McCraw - Nakrosis - Berganza - Dooley "A Crash of Symbols" more info

Ascension #1/2 (Wizard Variant)

Shamus - PIerce - McCallum - Feller - Newman - Blackwell - sanchez Silvestri - Foxhoven - Wohl - Im - Sherwood - Hernandez - selzer -... more info
Astro City #1/2
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Astro City #1/2

Busiek - Anderson - Blyberg - Ross - Roshell - Sinclair more info

Batman: Dark Victory #0 (Wizard Preview)

Loeb - Sale - Starkings - Wright - Heroic Age - Chiarello - Goodwin more info

Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #0

Quesada - Palmiotti - Electric Crayon - Giarrano - Digital Chameleon - Shubert - Goodwin - Spivey - Kim - Williams - Kesel - Jones -... more info

Captain Marvel #0

David - Chriscross - Rodriguez - Comicraft - Smith - Schigiel - Rosemann - Harras - Fowlkes - Cuneo "Half Time" more info

Catwoman #0

Moench - Balent - Smith - Setzer - Pinaha - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "Cat Shadows" Zero Hour more info

Cuda #3 (Gore Variant)

Vigil - Vigil - Tyler - Donald - Gregory - Frantz - Staats more info

Cyber Force #0 (Ashcan Variant)

Silvestri - Simonson - Silvestri - Chiodo - workman - Sullivan LImited Edition - 3000 Deluxe Ashcan more info
Dam #1
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Dam #1

"Ri Chi Itch" "Zuperman" "Vegetable Boy" "Carni" "Someday Funnies" "Working Late" more info
Dangle #2
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Dangle #2

Part 2 of 4 "The Wild Man" more info

Darkminds #1/2

Lee - Chong - Tsang - Law - Tsnag - Yeung - Lee - Torre - Ho - Lo - Hell-O-Graphics "Electric Dreams" more info

Demon Realm #0

Slopis - Kramer - Babinski - Ias Inc. - Ortega OneShot "Beginnings..." more info

Detective Comics #0

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Vincenzo - Peterson "Choice of Weapons" more info
Disney's The Three Musketeers (Complete Series)

Disney's The Three Musketeers (Complete Series)

$5.00  $4.25
Save: 15%
Complete Series Including: #2 more info

Earth X #0

Krueger - Ross - Leon - Reinhold - Klein - Hollingsworth - Javins - Watson - Harras Part 0 of 13 more info

Excalibur: Air Apparent

Lobdell - Lim - Gordon - Oliver "Chapter 1" Stelfreeze - Story - Moreshead "Chapter 2" Turner - Johnson - Ariane "Chapter 3" Guice- -Palmer... more info

Fathom #0

Turner - Weems - Smith - Firchow - Isanove - Heisler - Wohl - Geerlings - Galli - Steigerwald more info


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Fires of Outland Common Playset

Fires of Outland Common Playset

$80.00  $32.00
Save: 60%
Scourgewar Common Playset

Scourgewar Common Playset

$120.00  $48.00
Save: 60%
March of the Legion Uncommon Playset

March of the Legion Uncommon Playset

$204.00  $81.60
Save: 60%
Fields of Honor Common Playset

Fields of Honor Common Playset

$77.00  $30.80
Save: 60%
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