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Amazing Spider-Man, The #129

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Conway - Andru - Giacoia - Hunt - Costanza - Thomas "The Punisher Strikes Twice!" 1st Appearance: The Punisher" more info
Logan's Run #6
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Logan's Run #6

Warner - Sutton - Austin - Rosen - Warfield - Goodwin "Aftermath" Appearance: Thanos (1st Thanos Solo Story) more info

Bloodstrike #1

Liefeld - Fraga - Stephenson - Miki - Talman Murray - Hathaway - Chameleon Prime - Lobito - Zimmerman - Zachariah - Bristol - Griffith -... more info

Cyber Force #1

Silvestri - Silvestri - Heisler - Chiodo - Sullivan - Olyoptics "The Tin Men of War, Part 1" 1st Appearance: Cyber Force more info
Speedball #3
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Speedball #3

Lee - Ditko - Stern - Patterson - Morelli - Vincent - Kavanagh - DeFalco 1st Appearance: Leaper Logan Origin: Leaper Logan "The Looney... more info
Starslayer #2
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Starslayer #2

Grell - Oliff 1st Appearance: The Rocketeer more info

Wonder Man #4

Jones - Johnson - Harps - Brosseau - Rosas - Nicieza - DeFalco "The Big Splice" 1st Appearance: Splice more info

Ultragirl #1

Kesel - Kirk - Almond - Williams - Blanchard - Malibu Productions - Paniccia - Shaheen - harras 1st Appearance: Ultragirl, Effex "POwer... more info

Darkhawk #16

Fingeroth - Manley - Ricardo - Villagran - Rosas - Oakley - Yomtov - DeFalco 1st Appearance: Peristrike Force "Brave New World" more info

Doom 2099 #7

Frank - Moore - Broderick - Nyberg - Costanza - Scheele - Cavaleiri - DeFalco 1st Appearance: Paloma "A Region of Ether and Sighs!" more info

Ghost Rider #29 (Direct)

Mackie - Kubert - Chiang - Wright - Chase - DeFalco "Biting the Hand that Feeds You!" 1st Appearance: Next Wave more info

Guy Gardner #12

Dixon - Staton - Beatty - DeGuzman - Tollin - Berganza - Dooley "Dream a Deadly Dream" 1st Appearance: Militia Appearance: Batman, Green... more info

J2 #9

DeFalco - Lim - Milgrom - Novak - Smith - Harras 1st Appearance: Julie "Big Julie, the Gangster Gorilla!" more info

Justice League Europe #20

Giffen - Jones - Rogers - Smith - Lappan - D'Angelo - Dooley - Helfer "Rue Britannia" 1st Appearance: The Beefeater more info

Justice League Europe #6

Giffen - DeMatteis - Sears - Marcos - Lappan - D'Angelo - Dooley - Helfer "No More Teachers' Dirty Looks...?!" 1st Appearance: Crimson Fox more info
Marvel Age #97
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Marvel Age #97

1st Appearance: Darkhawk more info

Motormouth #1

Marks - Frank - Smith - White - Prentice - Papp - Neary "Wild Card!" 1st Appearance: Motormouth 1st Appearance: Killpower Appearance: Nick... more info
Spider-Girl #15
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Spider-Girl #15

DeFalco - Olliffe - Williamson - Chiang - Scheele - Harras 1st Appearance: Mr. Abnormal Appearance: Mr. Abnormal, Speedball "Swingin' n'... more info
Uncanny X-Men, The #299
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Uncanny X-Men, The #299

Lobdall - Peterson - Panosian - Eliopoulos - Javins - Harras - DeFalco "Night Lines" 1st Appearance: Fatale 1st Appearance: Graydon Creed more info

Web of Spider-Man #19

Michelinie - Silvestri - McLeod - Parker - Yomtov - Owsley - Shooter "Humbug!" 1st Appearance: Humbug more info
Web of Spider-Man #36
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Web of Spider-Man #36

Conway - Savilik - Williams - Parker - Jackson - Salicrup - DeFalco 1st Appearance: Tombstone "Phreak-Out!" more info

Wonder Man #2 (Annual, Poly Bagged)

1st Appearance: Hit Maker Appearance: Beast Hit Maker more info

X-Factor #71 (Direct)

David - Stroman - Milgrom - Heisler - Oliver - Harras - DeFalco 1st Appearance: New X-Factor Team "Cutting the Mustanrd" more info

X-Men 2099 #1

Moore - Lim - Kubert - Lopez - Smith - Cavalieri - DeFalco "The Gathering" 1st Appearance: Skullfire, Timothy Fitzgerald more info

Detective Comics #629 (Direct)

Miligan - Aparo - Leialoha - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "The Hunger Grass!" 1st Appearance: Blackgate Penitentiary more info
All-Star Squadron #23
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All-Star Squadron #23

Thomas - Ordway - Machlan - D'Angelo - Weiss "When Fate Thy Measure Takes...!" 1st Appearance: Amazing Man more info

Alpha Flight #30 (Direct)

Mantlo - Mignola - Talaoc - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "Enter... Scramble!" 1st Appearance: Scramble (Lionel Jeffries) more info

Alpha Flight #41 (Direct)

Mantlo - Ross - Portacio - Novak - Sharen - Potts - Shooter "It's not Easy Being Purple" 1st Appearance: Purple Woman (Kara Killgrave) more info
Batman #274
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Batman #274

Reed - Chua - Schwartz "Gotham City Treasure Hunt!" 1st Appearance: Amba Kidiri more info

Deathstroke, The Terminator #13

Wolfman - Erwin - Blyberg - Brosseau - Klein - Deguzman - McCraw - Peterson "Terminator Hunt: The Power That Be!" 1st Appearance: Hemp... more info

Incredible Hulk, The #275

Mantlo - Buscema - Sinott - Novak - Sharen - Milgrom - Shooter 1st Appearance: Megalith Appearance: Jackdaw Death: Megalith "Megalith!" more info

Catwoman #42

Moench - Balent - Leigh - Setzer - De Guzman - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "She-Cats, Part 1" 1st Appearance: Cybercat more info

Catwoman #48

Moench - Balent - McCarthy - Woch - Setzer - DeGuzman - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "Trapped in the Web of Morella" 1st Appearance: Morella more info

Damage #1

Joyner - Marimon - McWeeney - Costanza - Setzer - Duffy - Goodwin - Spivey - Kaplan "DAMAGE!" 1st Appearance: Damage more info

Doom Patrol #1

Kupperberg - Lightle - Martin - Workman - Gafford - Gold 1st Appearance: Kalki "The Doom Patrol" more info

Doom Patrol #7

BYrne - Hazlewood - Bleyaert - Carlin - Fletcher - Siglain "Who Are... The Devolutionists?" 1st Appearance: Harbor City more info

Dragon's Claws #5

Furman - Senior - Halfcree - White - Starkings - O'Connor 1st Appearance: Death's Head II "Here's Death's Head!" more info

Green Lantern #83

Marz - Banks - Rambo - Eliopoulos - Berganza - Dooley "Retribution, Part 1 of 3: Down" 1st Appearance: Fatality (Yrra Cynril) more info
Impulse #28
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Impulse #28

Peyer - Buscema - Rousseau - Kaalberg - Champagne - Eliopoulos - McCraw - Hernandez-Rosenblatt - Kupperberg "Arrowette vs. The Spazz" 1st... more info

Infinity Inc. #23

Roy - Dann - McFarlane - Harris - Montano - DeZuniga - Gafford - Weiss "Feithera by Stormlight!" 1st Appearance: Yolanda Montez (New... more info

New Teen Titans, The #1 (Annual)

Wolfman - Hannigan - DeCarlo - Costanza - Roy "To The Vanguard" 1st Appearance: Vanguard more info

Sleepwalker #4

Budiansky - Leonardi - Williamson - Orz - Spike - Sharpe - Javins - Daley - DeFalco 1st Appearance: Bookworm Origin: Bookworm "You Can't... more info

Spectacular Spider-Man, The #176

Busiek - Buscema - Eliopoulos - Sharen - Fingeroth - DeFalco "The Love Of Power" 1st Appearance: Corona more info

Spectacular Spider-Man, The #242

DeMatteis - Ross - Stanisci - Starkings - Kalisz - Macchio - Harras "Face Danceing" 1st Appearance: The Kangaroo more info

Superman #60

Jurgens - Barreto - Costanza - Whitmore - Thorsland - Carlin 1st Appearance: Agent Liberty "Intergang... no More!" more info

Ultimate Spider-Man #61

Bendis - bagley - Hanna - Smith- Eliopoulos - Lowe - Macchio - Quesada - Buckley 1st Appearance: (Ultimate) Ben Reilly "Carnage: Part 2 of... more info

Venom: The Mace #1

Potts - Sharp - Reinhold - Smith - Starkings - Fingeroth - DeFalco 1st Appearance: The Mace "Hard Hits" more info

Deathlok #19

Wright - McDaniel - DeMulder - Lopez - Cbollero - Brevoort - DeFalco 1st Appearance: John Kelly as Siege "Cyberwar, Part 3: Siege" more info

Incredible Hulk, The #268

Mantlo - Buscema - Leferman - Sharen - Milgrom - Shooter 1st Appearance: Pariah Death: Pariah "And They Called the Wind Pariah!" more info

Spectacular Spider-Man, The #4

Goodwin - Buscema - Esposito - Mantlo - Choen - Sev "The Vulture is a Bird of Prey!" 1st Appearance: Hitman (Burt Kenyon, not more info


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