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Surviving Saskatoon
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Tales from Shock City
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Tales from Shock City

Hernandez - Hernandez - Thompson - Blanchard - Bell - Frederiksen - Baresh - Reynolds - Groth OneShot more info
Temple Snare
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Temple Snare

Howarth - Rittenhouse "Going Renegade" OneShot more info

Tomb Raider / Witchblade: Revisited #1

Turner - Weems - Smith - Spehar - Heisler OneShot more info

Tomb Raider: Arabian Nights #1

Avery - Tan - Spehar - Heisler - Roslan OneShot more info

Tomb Raider: Epiphany #1

Jurgens - Banks - vey - Buccellato - Dreamer Design's - Spehar - Heisler - Barnes - Tucker - Geerlings - McLauchlin - Smith - Lam -... more info

Tomb Raider: Takeover #1

Bonny - Benefiel - Rodriguez - Armata - Crossley - Spehar - Heilser - Roslan OneShot more info

Transformers / G.I. Joe: Divied Front #1 (Figueroa Variant)

McDonough - Patyk - Lee - Kilslian - Garcia - Armstrong - Washington - wang - Lee "Targets of Opportunity" OneShot more info

Transformers / G.I. Joe: Divied Front #1 (Lee Variant)

McDonough - Patyk - Lee - Kilslian - Garcia - Armstrong - Washington - wang - Lee "Targets of Opportunity" OneShot more info
Transformers / G.I. Joe: Divied Front #1 (Ng Variant)
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Transformers / G.I. Joe: Divied Front #1 (Ng Variant)

McDonough - Patyk - Lee - Kilslian - Garcia - Armstrong - Washington - wang - Lee "Targets of Opportunity" OneShot more info

Troll #1

Liefeld - Matsuda - Sibal - Alquiza - Vasquez - Extreme Color - Hathaway - Stephenson OneShot "A Take of Troll" more info
Untold Tales of Evil Ernie, The: Relentless #1
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Untold Tales of Evil Ernie, The: Relentless #1

Pulido - Beck - Bonk - Brewer - Florea - Anderson - Evers - hensen - Comicraft - Broeker - Capullo - Denham - Rood - Francis - Olia -... more info
Witchblade / Lady Death Special #1
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Witchblade / Lady Death Special #1

Wohl - Smith =- Geerlings - Manapul - Dreamer Design's Livesay OneShot more info

Witchblade / Tomb Raider #1 (Turner Cover)

Turner - O'Neil - Weems - Smith - Heisler - Wohl - Geerlings - Cha - Galli - Steigerwald - Chun OneShot more info

Witchblade Animated #1

Dini - Bones - Bullock - Cooke - Dreamer Design's - Spehar - Heisler - Barnes - McLaughlin - Geerlings - Tucker - Smith - Lam - Grave -... more info

Witchblade: Blood Oath #1

Marc - Lofficier - Roux - Vandaele - Boccanfuso - Lofficier - Eliopoulos - Dreamer Design's - Spehar - Roux - D'Ecinay OneShot more info

Witchblade: Nottingham #1

Wohl - Cha - Montiel - Gorder - Conrad - Major - Dreamer OneShot more info

Withblade / Darkness Special #1

Lobdell - Z - Green - Tron - Smith - Nelson - Yu - Starr - Heisler - Hawkins OneShot more info

Withblade: Infinity #1

Lobdell - Pollina - Morales - Nelson - Heisler - Wohl - Im - Zuglago - Mcadoo - Elmer - Steigerwald - Chun - Arroyo - McClendon - Coats -... more info

Youngblood: Yearbook #1

Liefeld - Stephenson - Yaep - Rapmund - Kindzierski - Hathaway - Prime OneShot more info

Agent Liberty #1

Jurgens - Abell - Guice - Mitchell - machlan - DeGuzman - Hollingsworth - Thorsland - Carlin "Disgrace!" OneShot more info

Batman: Batgirl #1

Puckett - Balent - Burchett - Mulvihill - Hannin - Robins - Vincenzo - Peterson "Scars" Crossover: Girlfrenzy!" OneShot more info

Body Doubles (Villains) #1

Abnett - Phillips - Rodriguez - Workman - Feeny - Kurtin - Berganza OneShot more info

Dark Nemesis (Villains) #1

Jurgens - Chrisscross - VonGrawbager - Wright - Comicraft - Kurtain - Berganza "Turncoat" OneShot more info

Lobo: Portrait of a Victim #1

Grant - Semeiks - Dell - Digital Chameleon - Klein - Raspler OneShot more info
Marvel Action Universe #1
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Marvel Action Universe #1

Marks - DeFalco - Spiegle - Colletta - Novak - Sharen - Wright Appearance: Spider-Man, Iceman, Firestar OneShot more info
Marvel Mangaverse: Punisher #1
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Marvel Mangaverse: Punisher #1

David - Hernandez - Guruefx - Comicraft - Smith - Macchio - Quesada - Jemas "Kind to be Cruel" OneShot more info
Marvel Mangaverse: Spider-Man #1
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Marvel Mangaverse: Spider-Man #1

Andrews - McCraig - Beach - Starkings - Gungura - Smith - Macchio - Quesada - Jemas OneShot more info
Marvel Mangaverse: X-Men #1
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Marvel Mangaverse: X-Men #1

Cebulski - Matsuda - Jothikumar - Owens - Liquid - Oscar - Smith - Macchio - Quesada - Jemas OneShot more info

Mr. Mxyzptlk (Villains) #1

Grant - Morgan - KOblish - chiang - Whitmore - McTigue - Cavalieri "Invader From the 10th Dimension!" OneShot more info

Stryfe's Strike File #1

Nicieza - Lobdall - Stroman - Kubert - Capullo - Peterson - Lee - Portacio - Silvestri - Palmiotti - Milgrom - Farmer - Candelario -... more info

Superman: Lois Lane #1

Kesel - Conner - Palmiotti - Saladino - Kalisz - Digital Chameleon - McTigue - Cavalieri Crossover: Girlfrenzy! OneShot more info

Underworld Unleashed: Apokolips - Dark Uprising #1

Kupperberg - Raffaele - MItchell - Workman - Costanza - McCraw - Eaoes - Simpson OneShot more info
Wonder Man #1 (Direct)
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Wonder Man #1 (Direct)

Michelinie - Gammill - Colletta - Lopez - Scheele - Cohen - Shooter OneShot more info
Wonder Man #1 (Newsstand)Wonder Man #1 (Newsstand)
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Wonder Man #1 (Newsstand)

Michelinie - Gammill - Colletta - Lopez - Scheele - Cohen - Shooter OneShot more info

Bug #1 (Direct)

Sokolowski - Harras - Jozefowics - Fermanich - Hembeck OneShot more info

2099 Special: The World of Doom #1

OneShot "Doomed" "America Under Doom" "America O' Tis of Doom" "Dressing the Troops" "Punishing Evolution" "Moore's Mutant Futures" "Heard... more info

Dragon Strike #1

Grubb - Harris - Percy - Garrahy - Matthys - Chiang - Herdling - DeFalco OneShot "Before the Strike!" more info

Flash Plus #1

Waid - Augustyn - Barreto - Fernandez - Gasper - Laughlin - Hernandez-Rosenblatt - Kupperberg Appearance: Nightwing OneShot "While in New... more info

Justice Leagues: Justice League of Arkham #1

Grist - Davis - Turnbull - Hathaway - Vasquez - Digital Chameleon - Bedard OneShot "Justice Leagues, Part IV: Taking Over the Asylum" more info

Kingdom, The: Nghtstar #1

Waid - Haley - Simmons - Robins - Baumann - Bedard - Raspler OneShot "Not Go Gently" more info

Kingdom, The: Planet Krypton #1

Waid - Kitson - Lopez - Carrahy - Jamison - Bedard - Raspler "Haunted" OneShot more info

Silver Age: Brave and the Bold #1

Haney - McGuire - Farmer - Sinclair - Chameleon - Lopez - Bedard - Raspler OneShot Presents Batman and the Metal Man "The Great Gotham... more info


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