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Batman #524

Moench - Jones - Beatty - Android Images - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "Scarecrow, Part 2: Haunted House of the Head" more info

Batman #527

Moench - Jones - Wright - Android Images - Klein - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "The Face Schism" more info

Batman #528

MOench - Jones - Beatty - Wright - Android Images - Klein - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "Two-Face, Part 2: Schismed Faces" more info

Batman #531

Moench - Jones - Beatty - Wright - Klein Glow-in-the-Dark Cover "The Deadman Connection, Part 2: Cult of the Mummy" more info

Batman #532

Moench - Jones - Beatty - Wright - Android Images - Klein - Gorfinkel - O'Neil Glow-in-the-Dark Cover "The Deadman Connection, Part 3: The... more info

Batman #533

Moench - Aparo - Sienkiewicz - Klein - Wright - Androd Images - Gorfinkle - O'Neil "Twelve Steps to Heart of Hell" more info

Batman #538

Moench - Jones - Beatty - Wright - Klein - Android Images - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "Darkest Night of the Man-Bat. Part 3: Predemption" more info

Batman #572

Rucka - Scott - Floyd - Mulvihill - Wildstorm FX - Oakley - Illidge - Gorfinkel - Vincenzo - O'Neil "Jurisprudence, Part 1" more info

Batman #573

Rucka - Cariello - Pennington - Rambo - Wildstorm FX - Costanza - Illidge - Vincenso - O'Neil "Shellgame, Part 1: Gambits" more info

Batman #577

Hamma - McDaniel - Story - Costanza - Tewes - Wildstorm FX - Illidge - Schreck "Mike and Allie" more info

Batman #578

Hama - McDaniel - Story - Collazo - Costanza - Tewes - Wildstorm FX - Illidge - Schreck "He Who Lurks" more info

Batman #579

Hama - McDaniel - Story - Costanza - Tewes - Wildstorm FX - Illidge - Schreck "Orca, Part 1: A Matter of Principle" more info

Batman #580

Hama - McDaniel - Story - Costanza - Tewes - Wildstorm FX - Illidge - Schreck "Orca, Part 2: Going Under" more info

Batman #583

Brubaker - McDaniel - Story - Costanza - Tewes - Wildstorm FX - Schreck "Fearless, Part 2" more info

Batman #602

Brubaker - Owens - Wildstorm FX - Wright - McDaniel - Wright - Costanza - Schreck "Turning the Town Red, Part 2 of 2" more info

Batman #630

Winick - Nguyen - Friend - Sinclair - Robins - Wright - Schreck "As the crow Flies, Part 4: Home Invasion" more info

Batman #642

Gabrych - Marrinan - Pepoy - Sinclair - Brosseau - Wright - SChreck "Breaking the Skin" more info

Batman #643

Willingham - Camuncoli - Hope - Brosseau - Wright - Montclare - Schreck "war Crimes, Part 2" more info

Batman #646

Winick - Davis - ramos - Faucher - Stucker - Brosseau - Sinclair - Monclare - Schreck Franchise, Part 1: Supply Side Economics" more info

Batman & Superman: World's Finest #3

Kesel - Taylor - Campanella - Sinclair - Oakley - Illidge - Vincenzo "Light in the Darkness" Part 3 of 10 more info

Batman & Superman: World's Finest #7

Kesel - Doherty - Campanella - Sinclair - Robins - Illidge - Vincenzo "A Better World" Part 7 of 10 more info

Batman / Predator III #2

Dixon - Damaggio - Campanella - Garrahy - Heroic Age - Costanza "Blood Ties" Part 2 of 4 more info

Batman / Predator III #3

Dixon - Damaggio - Campanella - Loughridge - Heroic Age - Costanza "Blood Ties" Part 3 of 4 more info

Batman / Wildcat #1

Dixon - Smith - Cariello - Thibert - Miki - Mendoza - Wright - Cunningham - Berganza "Lights, Cameras, Death" Part 1 of 3 more info

Batman Adventures, The #3

Puckett - Templeton - Burchett - Taylor - Harkins - Peterson Appearance: The Joker "Joker's Late Night Lunacy!, Act 1: A Star is Born!" more info

Batman Adventures, The #7

"Raging Lizard, Part 1: Requiem for a Mutant!" more info

Batman and Robin Adventures, The #14

Templeton - Kruse - Burchett - Medley - Harkins - Vincenzo - Peterson "Dagger's Take" more info

Batman and Robin Adventures, The #15 (Direct)

Templeton - Kruse - Burchett - Medley - Harkins - Vincenzo - Peterson "Second Chances" more info

Batman Arkham Asylum - Tales of Madness #1

Grant - Taylor - Hansen - Heroic Age - Oakley- Vincenzo - Peterson OneShot more info
Batman Beyond #4
Sold Out

Batman Beyond #4

Bader - Staton - Beatty - Loughridge - Harkins - Illidge - Vincenzo "Part 4 of 6: Magic is Everwhere!" more info

Batman Chronicles, The #13

Majeski - Guichet - Campanella - Loughridge - Robins "Duty. Trust. Partnership." Washington III - Coleby - Woch - rambo - DeGuzman... more info

Batman: Bane of the Demon #1

Dixon - Nolan - Palmer - Giddings - Oakley - Vincenzo - Peterson Part 1 of 3 more info

Batman: Bane of the Demon #3

Dixon - Nolan - Palmer - Giddings - Android - Oakley - Vincenzo - Peterson Part 3 of 3 more info

Batman: Blackgate-Isle of Men #1

Moench - Aparo - Roach - Garrahy - Robins - Vincenzo - O'Neil "Isle of Men" OneShot more info

Batman: City of Light #1

Pander - Pander - Paniccia - Lopez - Chaing - Bauman - Wright - Schrek "Part 1 of 8" more info

Batman: City of Light #2

Pander - Pander - Paniccia - Lopez - Chiang - Baumann - Wright - Schrek "Part 2 of 8" more info

Batman: City of Light #3

Pander - Lopez - Chaing - Baumann - Wright - Schreck "Part 3 of 8" more info

Batman: City of Light #4

Pander - Pander - Paniccia - Lopez - Chaing - Baumann - Wright - Schrek "Part 4 of 8" more info

Batman: City of Light #6

Pander - Pander - Lopez - Chaing - Baumann - Wright - Schrek "Part 6 of 8" more info

Batman: City of Light #7

Pander - Pander - Lopez - Chiang - Baumann - Wright "Part 7 of 8" more info

Batman: City of Light #8

Pander - Pander - Lopez - Chiang - Baumann - Wright - Schrek "Part 8 of 8" more info

Batman: Death and the Maidens #2

Rucka - Janson - Robins - Buccellato - Castro - Idelson "Part 2 of 9" more info

Batman: Death and the Maidens #3

Rucka - Kanson - Robins - Buccellato - Castro - Idelson "Part 3 of 9" more info

Batman: Death and the Maidens #5

Rucka - Janson - Robins - Buccellato - Castro - Idelson "Part 5 of 9" more info

Batman: Death and the Maidens #9

Rucka - Janson - Robins - Buccellato - Castro - Idelson "Part 9 of 9" more info

Batman: Gordon of Gotham #1

O'Neil - Giordano - Janson - Rambo - Robins - Vincenzo - Peterson Part 1 of 4 "Dumb as a Rock" more info

Batman: Gordon of Gotham #2

O'Neil - Giordano - Janson - Rambo - Jamison - Robins - Vincenzo - Peterson Part 2 of 4 "Outlaw" more info

Batman: Gordon of Gotham #3

O'Neil - Giordano - Janson - Rambo - Jamison - Robins - Vincenzo - Peterson Part 3 of 4 "...To Alcapone" more info

Batman: Gotham Adventures #15

Peterson - Levins - Leigh - Loughridge - Harkins - Illidge - Vincenzo "Cash 'n The Hood!" more info

Batman: Gotham Knights #12

Meter - Turnbull - Lowe - Rambo - Digital Chameleon - Konot - Berrios - Schreck "Damages" more info


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