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Catwoman #0

Moench - Balent - Smith - Setzer - Pinaha - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "Cat Shadows" Zero Hour more info

Catwoman Plus #1

Dixon - Kaminski - Williams - Lanning - Prentice - Giddings - Morales - Thorsland "Undead -- and Loving It!" Appearance: Scream Queen more info

Catwoman: The Movie #1

Austin - Derenick - DeKraker - Fletcher - Zylonol - Palmer Jr. - Lee - Hope - Sinclair OneShot more info

DC Universe Holiday Bash #1

Kahn - Levitz - Carlin - Vincenzo - Bristow - Brunning - Caldon - Cunningham - Chantal - D'Aulnis - Ehrlich - Laserson - Rozakis Jameson -... more info

Adventures in the DC Universe #2

*Good for Young Readers Vance - Delaney - Boyd - Harkins - LeRose - Berrios - Carlson "Bombs Away!" Appearance: The Flash, Catwoman more info

Catwoman #2

Brubaker - Cooke - Allred - Konot - Hollingsworth - Idelson - Castro "Ano Dyne, Part 2 of 4" more info

Catwoman / Wildcat #2

Dixon - Smith - Cariello - Palmer - Garrahy - Heroic Age - Robbins - Vincenzo - Berganza - Peterson "Catfight" Part 2 of 4 more info

Catwoman #3

Duffy - Balent - Giordano - Setzer - Pinaha - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "Life Lines, Part 3: Shadow of the Cat!" more info

Catwoman / Wildcat #3

Dixon - Smith - Cariello - Palmer - Wright - Heroic Age - Robins - Vincenzo - Berganza - Peterson "Sixes and Sevens and Nines" Part 3 of 4 more info

Catwoman #4

Brubaker - Cooke - Allred - Hollingsworth - Knot - Idelson - Castro "Ano Dyne, part 4 of 4: Conclusion" more info

Catwoman #4

Newell - Birch - Bair - Spiegle - Roy - Raspler - O'Neil "Consecration" Part 4 of 4 more info

Catwoman / Wildcat #4

Dixon - Smith - Cariello - Palmer - Wright - Jamison - Robins - Vincenzo - Berganza - Peterson "Bad Days and Worse" more info

Showcase '95 #4

Stern - Simpson - Stegbauer - Bruzenak - Pittarese Appearance: Catwoman, Rose, Thorn "Living on the Edge" Part 4 of 12 more info

Catwoman #5

Brubaker - Rader - Stewart - Hollingsworth - Brusco - Konot - Hawkins - Idelson "Trickle Down Theory" more info

Showcase '95 #5

Stern - Simpson - Stegbauer - Busch - Bruzenak - Pittarese Appearance: Thorn, Catwoman, Green Arrow "Chasing Ghosts" Part 5 of 12 more info

Catwoman #6

Brubaker - Rader - Stewart "Disguises, Part 1 of 4" more info

Catwoman #7

Brubaker - Rader - Burchett - Stewart - Hollingsworth - Hawkins - Idelson "Disguises, Part 2 of 4" more info

Catwoman #8

Brubaker - Rader - Burchett - Hollingsworth - Schubert - Hawkins - Idelson "Disguises, Part 3 of 4" more info

Catwoman #9

Brubaker - Rader - Burchett - Longhridge - Schubert - Hawkins - Idelson "Disguises, Part 4 of 4" more info

Catwoman #10

Idelson - Castro - Loughridge - Konot - Burchett - Rader - Brubaker "Joy Ride" more info

Catwoman #11

Grant - rader - Lipka - davis - Konot - Loughridge - Parker "Final Report" more info

Catwoman #12

Duffy - Dixon - Balent - Burchett - Setzer - Pinaha - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "Fire in the Sky" more info

Catwoman #12

brubaker - Stewart - Hollingsworth - Konot - Jones - Mounts - castro - Idelson "Relentless, Part 1" more info

Catwoman #13

Brubaker - Stewart - Hollingsworth - Konot - Jones - Mounts - Castro - Idelson "Relentless, Part 2" more info

Catwoman #14

Duffy - Balent - Setzer - Bobpin - O'Neil - Gorfinkel "Broken Mirrors" Zero Hour more info

Catwoman #18

Brubaker - Pulido - Hollingsworth - Konot - Castro - Idelson "No Easy Way Down, Part 2: Rate of Deacy" more info

Adventures in the DC Universe #19

*Good for Young Readers Vance - Delaney - Boyd - LeRose - Harkins "The Truth About Cats and Gods!" Appearance: Wonder Woman, Catwoman more info

Catwoman #19

Brubaker - Pulido - Hollingsworth - Konot - Castro - Idelson "No Easy Way Down, Part 3: In Dreams Begin Responsibilities" more info

Catwoman #21

Brubaker - Stewart - Hollingsworth - Konot - Castro - Idelson "Wild Ride, Part 2: Cold Day in Hell" more info

Catwoman #22

Brubaker - Derington - Stewart - Loughridge - Konot- Castro - Idelson Appearance: Batman "Wild Ride, Part 3: Meanwhile" more info

Catwoman #23

Brubaker - Davis - Stewart - Loughridge - Konot - Castro - Idelson "Wild Ride, Part 4: Opal At Night" more info

Catwoman #23

Pomerantz - Balent - Smith - Setzer - DeGuzman - Gorfinkle - O'Neil "Family Ties, Part 2: Loyalties Unbound" more info

Catwoman #25

Brubaker - Gulacy - Palmiotti - Robins - Kronenberg - Castro - Idelson Appearance: Penguine "Fire With Fire" more info

Catwoman #26

Brubaker - Gulacy - Palmiotti - Robins - Kronenberg - Castro - Idelson "A Knife in the Dark" more info

Catwoman #28

Brubaker - Gulacy - Palmiotti - Kronenberg - Robins - Castro - Idelson Appearance: Penguine "Miss Calculating" more info

Catwoman #29

Brubaker - Gulacy - Palmiotti - Robins - Kronenberg - Castro - Idelson "Under Pressure" more info

Catwoman #30

Brubaker - Gulacy - Palmiotti - Robins - Kronenberg - Castro - Idelson "End of the Line" more info

Catwoman #31

Brubaker - Gulacy - Palmiotti - Kronenberg - Robins - Castro - Idelson "Out of the World" more info

Catwoman #32

Brubaker - Phillips- Gaudiano - Robins - Kronenberg - Castro - Idelson "Only Takes a Night" more info

Catwoman #33

Brubaker - Olmos - Palmiotti - Kronenberg - Robins - Castro - Idelson "The Killers" more info

Catwoman #34

Brubaker - Gulacy - Palmiotti - Robins - Kronenberg - Castro - Idelson "War Games, Part 1 of 7: Cold Hard Facts" more info

Catwoman #35

Brubaker - Gulacy - Palmiotti - Robins - Kronenberg - Castro - Idelson "War Games, Part 2 of 7: Betrayal" more info

Catwoman #37

Brubaker - Gulacy - Palmiotti - Kronenberg - Castro - Robins - Idelson "Character Driven" more info

Catwoman #38

Morse - Gulacy - Palmiotti - Robins - Kronenberg - Castro - Idelson "Three Piece Suit, Part 1 of 3" more info

Catwoman #40

Morse - Olmos - Palmiotti - Robins - Brusco - Castro - Idelson "Three Piece Suit, Part 3 of 3" more info

Catwoman #41

Casali - Walker - Palmiotti - Fletcher - Kronenberg - Castro - Idelson "Of Cats and Dogs, Part 1 of 2" more info

Catwoman #42

Casali - Walker - Palmiotti - Lopez - Kronenberg - Castro- Idelson "Of Cats and Dogs, part 2 of 2" more info

Catwoman #42

Moench - Balent - Leigh - Setzer - De Guzman - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "She-Cats, Part 1" 1st Appearance: Cybercat more info

Batman: Shadow of the Bat #44

Grant - Kitson - Garrahy - Android Images - Oakley - Stelfreeze - Gorfinkel - O'Neil "Cat-Man the Secret of the Universe, Part 3"... more info
Catwoman #46
Sold Out

Catwoman #46

Pfeifer - Woods - Anderson - Fletcher - Castro - Idelson "The Only Love, Part 3" more info


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