Warlord (1976-89)

Warlord #6

Grell - Berube "Home is a Four-Letter Word!" more info

Warlord #66

Jurgens - DeCarlo - Andru - Roy "Wizard War" more info

Warlord #83

Burkett - Patterson - DeGuzman - Jurgens- Serpe - Andru "All the President's Men..!" more info

Warlord #84

Burkett - Jurgens - Adkins - Felix - Serpe - Andru "Hail to the Chief" more info

Warlord #99

Burkett - Kubert - Marcos - Serpe - Andru "Fire and Sword" more info

Warlord #130

Fleisher - Duursema - Costanza - Serpe - Greenberger "Past LIves" more info

Warlord #131

Fleisher - Durrsema - Costanza - Serpe - Greenberger "Vengeful Legacies" more info


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