Detective Comics (1937-11)

Detective Comics is an American comic book series published monthly by DC Comics since 1937, best known for introducing the superhero Batman in Detective Comics #27 (cover dated May 1939). It is the source of its publishing company's name and with Action Comics, the comic book launched with the debut of Superman, one of the medium's signature series. With 881 monthly issues published in the first volume, it is the longest continuously published comic book in the United States.


Detective Comics #0

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Vincenzo - Peterson "Choice of Weapons" more info

Detective Comics #38 (Millennium Edition)

"Batman Presents the Sensational Character Find of 1940.... Robin the Boy Wonder" more info

Detective Comics #389

Robbins, Brown, Giella "You're Scaring Yourself to Death Batman! Batman's Evil Eye" more info

Detective Comics #453

Reed - Chua - Royer - Schwartz "The Deadly Web of the Crime Exchange!" more info

Detective Comics #458

Elliot - Maggin - Garcia - Lopez - Chua - Schwartz "The Real Batman Dies Next!" more info

Detective Comics #517

Conway - Levitz - Colan - DeZuniga - Kawecki - Roy - Giordano "The Monster in the Mirror" more info

Detective Comics #538

Moench - Colan - Smith - Oda - Roy - Wein "Cloths Make the Cat(man)" more info

Detective Comics #549

Moench - Broderick - Smith - Oda - Roy - Wein "Dr. Harvey and Mr. Bullock" more info

Detective Comics #600

Hamm - Cowan - Giordano - Klein - Roy - Raspler - O'Neil "Blind Justice, Part 5: Hidden Agendas" more info

Detective Comics #603

Grant - Breyfogle - Mitchell - Roy - Klein - Raspler - O'Neil "Tulpa, Part 3: When Demons Clash" more info

Detective Comics #615 (Direct)

Wolfman - Grant - Breyfogle - Mitchell - Klein - Roy - Raspler - O'Neil "The Penguin Affair, II: Bird of Ill Omen!" more info

Detective Comics #615 (Newsstand)

Wolfman - Grant - Breyfogle - Mitchell - Klein - Roy - Raspler - O'Neil "The Penguin Affair, II: Bird of Ill Omen!" more info

Detective Comics #616

Grant - Breyfogle - Mitchell - Roy - Klein - Raspler - O'Neil "Stone Killer" more info

Detective Comics #617

Grant - Breyfogle - Mitchell - Roy - Klein - Raspler - O'Neil Appearance: The Joker "A Clash of Symbols" more info

Detective Comics #619

Grant - Breyfogle - Mitchell - Roy - Klein - Raspler - O'Neil "Rite of Passage, Part 2: Beyond Belief!" more info

Detective Comics #622 (Direct)

Ostrander - Henry - McKone - Marzan - Klein - Raspler - O'Neil "Dark Genesis" more info

Detective Comics #624

Ostrander - Henry - McKone - Marzan - Roy - Klein - Puckett - O'Neil "Bitter Victory" more info

Detective Comics #626

Wolfman - Puckett - Aparo - DeCarlo - Costanza - Andienne "Return of the Electroctioner" more info

Detective Comics #628

Wolfman - Aparo - DeCarlo - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "Hearts" more info

Detective Comics #629 (Direct)

Miligan - Aparo - Leialoha - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "The Hunger Grass!" 1st Appearance: Blackgate Penitentiary more info

Detective Comics #630 (Direct)

MIlligan - Aparo - DeCarlo - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "And the Executioner Wore Stiletto Heels" more info

Detective Comics #631 (Direct)

Milligan - Aparo - DeCarlo - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "The Golem of Gotham, Part 1" more info

Detective Comics #632 (Direct)

Milligan - Aparo - DeCarlo - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "The Golem of Gotham, Part 2" more info

Detective Comics #633

Millgrom - Mandrake - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "Identity Crisis" more info

Detective Comics #634

Puckett - McDonnell - Harkins - Roy - O'Neil "The Third Man" more info

Detective Comics #636

Simonson - Fern - Mitchell - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "Mind Control" more info

Detective Comics #638

MIllgrom - Aparo - DeCarlo - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "The Bomb" more info

Detective Comics #639

Millgrom - Aparo - DeCarlo - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "The Idiot, Part 2: The Queen of Hearts" more info

Detective Comics #640

Millgrom - Aparo - DeCarlo - Costanza - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "The Idiot, Part 4: The Cook, The Bat and The Idiot." more info

Detective Comics #642

Grant - Aparo - Roy - Puckett - O'Neil "Return of Scarface, Part 2: Gleeding Hearts" more info

Detective Comics #643

Milligan - Aparo - Roy - Peterson - O'Neil "The Library of Souls" more info

Detective Comics #645

Dixon - Lyle - Hanna - Costanza - Roy - Peterson - O'Neil "Electric City, Part 2: Grounded!" more info

Detective Comics #650

Dixon - Nolan - Mitchell - Roy - Costanza - Peterson - O'Neil "The Dragon" more info

Detective Comics #654

Dixon - Netzer - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Peterson - O'Neil "God of Battle" more info

Detective Comics #658 (Direct)

Dixon - Netzer - McDonnell - Roy - Costanza - Peterson - O'Neil "Deciphered" more info

Detective Comics #660

Dixon - Balent - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Peterson - O'Neil Knightfall, Part 4 "Crocodile Tears" more info

Detective Comics #662

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Peterson - O'Neil Crossover: Knightfall, Part 8 "Burning Questions" more info

Detective Comics #663

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Peterson - O'Neil Knightfall, Part 10 "No Rest for the Wicked" more info

Detective Comics #664

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Peterson Knightfall, Part 12 "Who Rules the Night" more info

Detective Comics #665

Dixon - Nolan - Giordano - Roy - Costanza - Peterson Knightfall, Part 19 "Lightning Changes" more info

Detective Comics #667 (Direct)

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Vincenzo - Peterson "Knightquest, The Crusade: Wild, Wild East" more info

Detective Comics #668

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Vincenzo - Peterson Knightquest, The Crusade "Runaway" more info

Detective Comics #669

Dixon - Nolan - Barreto - Roy - Costanza - Vincenzo - Peterson Knightquest, The Crusade "Town Tamer" more info

Detective Comics #671

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Vincenzo - Peterson Knightquest, The Crusade "The Cutting Room Floor" more info

Detective Comics #672

Dxon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Vincenzo - Peterson "Smash Cut" more info

Detective Comics #674

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanza - Vincenzo - Peterson Knightquest, The Crusade "Out-Gunned" more info

Detective Comics #678

Dixon - Nolan - McLeod - Roy - Costanza - Vincenzo - Peterson Zero Hour "Yesterdays Game" more info

Detective Comics #680

Dixon - Weeks - Nolan - Rubenstein - Roy - Costanza - Vincenzo - Peterson "A Twice Told Tale" more info

Detective Comics #683

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanzo - Vincenzo - Peterson "Odds Against" more info

Detective Comics #684

Dixon - Nolan - Hanna - Roy - Costanzo - Vincenzo - Peterson "Darkest Day" more info


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