Ray, The (1994-96)

Ray, The #0

Priest - Porter - Jones - Garrahy - Bruzenak - Diaz - Augustyn "Missing" more info

Ray, The #11

Priest - Porter - Jones - Stegbauer - Garrahy - Starkings - Morales - Diaz - Augustyn "Light & Death" more info

Ray, The #12

Priest - Clark - Magner - Starkings - Garrahy - Morales - Dias - Augustyn "Oracle" more info

Ray, The #3

Priest - Porter - Jones - Bruzenak - Garrahy - Diaz - Augustyn "The Man With No Lungs!" more info

Ray, The #1

Priest - Porter - Jones - Bruzenak - Vasquez "Rebirth" more info

Ray, The #14

"Ray Terrill is Mad as Hell" more info

Ray, The #24

Priest - Armstrong - Parks - Sinclair - Cunningham - Morales - Augustyn "The Fall" more info


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